Moringa Oleifera( MALUNGGAY)
Moringa Oleifera
is planted throughout the Philippines in settled areas at low and medium altitudes.Scientific research has proven that these humble leaves are in fact a powerhouse of nutritional value. It can rebuild weak bones, enrich anemic blood and nourish breastfed babies. Ounce per ounce, it has the calcium of four glasses of milk, the vitamin C of seven oranges and the potassium of three bananas.
It can:
-Rebuild Weak bones
-Enrich anemic blood
-Nourishes Breastfed babies
-It has Calcium of four glasses of milk
-It has Vitamin C of seven oranges
-It has the Potassium of three bananas
-Liver disorder remedy
-Colds remedy
-Enhances red-blood cells

Capsicum Frutescens( DAHON NG SILI)
Capsicum frutescens is found throughout the Philippines plated here and there about dwellings but also thoroughly established in open, waste places in settles areas.Its fruit is a popular condiment. The leaves are used as vegetable; an excellent source of calcium and iron, a good source of phosphorus and vitamins A and B.It is an important gastrointestinal deoxidant and also serves as a stimulant, digestive, rubefacient, stomachic, sialagogue, alterative, antispasmodic, febrifugue and depurative.Nutritional Value Pungent principle, capsaicin; solanine; vitamin A and B; citric acid; palmitic acid; capsicin; oleoresin; volatile and fixed oils; pentosans, 8.28%; pectin, 3.2%.

It is an important gastrointestinal deoxidant and also serves as a stimulant, digestive, rubefacient, stomachic, sialagogue, alternative, antispasmodic, febrifugue and depurative.
-stomachic (For the stomach, especially in stimulating digestion)

-antispasmodic (Can control an involuntary sudden muscle contraction)
-depurative (Removes Toxins in the body)

Remedy for:
-Asthma, Arthritis,Cardiovascular Disease,Circulation, Headaches, High Blood pressure,Inflammation, Intestinal Inflammation, Menstrual Cramps, Ulcer, and Varicose Veins

Corchorus Olitorius L.(SALUYOT)
Corchorus Olitorius is ever-present in clearings, farms and waste places in the Philippines.Reported to be demulcent, deobstruent, diuretic, lactagogue, purgative and tonic, it may also be a remedy for aches and pains, dysentery, enteritis, fever and pectoral pains.Nutritional ValuePer 100 g., the leaves are reported to contain 43-58 calories, 80.4-84.1 g h20, 4.5-5.6 g protein, 0.3 g fat, 7.6-12.4 g total carbohydrate , 1.7-2.0 g fiber, 2.4 g ash, 266-366 mg Ca, 97-122 mg P, 7.2-7.7 mg Fe, 12 mg Na, 444 mg K, 6410-7850 ug beta carotene equivalent, 0.13-0.15 mg thiamine, 0.26-0.53 mg riboflavin, 1.1-1.2 mg niacin and 53-80 ascorbic acid. Leaves contain oxydase and chlorogenic acid.

-Contains Vit A, B, C, iron, calcium, phosporus, protein and fiber.
-Lactagogue (Increases the flow of breast milk in a woman)
-Demulcent (Soothes irritated or inflamed skin or internal parts of the nose, mouth, or throat.)
-Diuretic (Causing increased flow of urine)
-Purgative (Stimulates evacuation of the bowels)
-Tonic (To feel stronger, more energetic, and generally healthier)
-Aches and pains, Chest or Pectoral Pains, Tumors, Fever
-Enteritis (Enteritis is an inflammation of the small intestine caused by a bacterial or viral infection)
-Dysentery (Disease of the lower intestine: the disease of the lower intestine caused by infection with bacteria, protozoa, or parasites and marked by severe diarrhea, inflammation, and the passage of blood and mucus)
-Hemorrhoids (Painful varicose veins in the canal of the anus)
-Ascites(An accumulation of fluid (serous fluid) in the peritoneal cavity, causing abdominal swelling)
-Cystitis, Dysuria and Gonorhea (Urinary Tract Infection) an inflammation and disease of the bladder

Amaranthus Spinosus(URAY)

Amaranthus spinosus is found throughout the Philippines at lowlands and low altitudes.It is a good expectorant and an effective astringent especially in stopping liquid bowels. Locally, it has been reported that a decoction of the root relieve one’s breathing from acute bronchitis.Nutritional ValueThe dried leaves contain (per 100g) 267 - 276 calories, 20 - 34.4% protein, 2 - 4.5% fat, 45 - 54% carbohydrate, 9.8 - 10.4% fibre, 16.6 - 24% ash, 1795 - 5333mg calcium, 333 - 460mg phosphorus, 13.5 - 152.7mg iron, 13 - 37mg sodium, 337 - 3528mg potassium, 27.9 - 40.8mg beta carotene equivalent, 0.06mg thiamine, 2.02mg riboflavin, 7.7 - 8.6mg niacin and 503mg ascorbic acid.

Remedy for:

-Acute bronchities-Dysentery
-Rectal Bleeding
-Treating Heavy Menstrual Periods
-Expectorant (producing and getting rid of phlegm)
-Contains vitamin A
-Protects your eyes and skin

Ipomoea Batatas(TALBOS NG KAMOTE)

Ipomoea batatas is a warm season crop extensively cultivated in the Philippines. It can easily be planted any time of the year and propagated from stem cuttings.Its roots are high in calories and vitamin A and the leafy tops are eaten as vegetables. The tops, especially purplish ones are used for diabetes and the crushed leaves are applied to boils and acne.Nutritional ValueIpomoea batatas contains calcium, 30; magnesium, 24; potassium, 373; sodium, 13; phosphorus, 49; chlorine, 85; sulphur, 26; and iron, 0.8 mg/100 g; iodine, 4.5 g/kg; magnanese, copper, and zinc are present in traces.

Contains Calories and Vitamin A
-Aphrodisiac (Something that arouses or intensifies sexual desire)
-Fungicide (A substance used to destroy or inhibit the growth of fungi)
-Demulcent (Soothes irritated or inflamed skin or internal parts of the nose, mouth, or throat)
-Convalescence (Gradual return to good health after an illness or medical treatment, or the period spent recovering)
-Aactericide (Destroys Bacteria)
-Promotes and regulates bowel movements

Remedy for:
-Tumors of mouth and throat, Diabetes,Asthma

-Catarhh (Runny Nose; increase in the production of mucus, as it happens in the common cold)
-Fever, Nausea, Stomach Distress
-Whitlows (Pus-filled infection on the skin at the side of a fingernail or toenail)


Dr. Jaime Galvez Z. Tan is a former Secretary of the Department of Health. He served as Undersecretary and Chief of Staff of the Department of Health from 1992 to 1994.Prior to that time, he held senior positions at the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), both at the national and the regional levels.
Earlier, Dr. Galvez Tan served as a rural health physician and trainer. He has been a consultant for UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), The World Bank (WB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and has been a Bill Gates Fellow since 2002.
Dr. Galvez Tan has widely published and has lectured in fifteen countries on different continents. The recipient of numerous awards, he is currently an International Consultant on Health Policy Development, Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of the Philippines Manila and Executive Director of the National Institute of Health. In 2003, he was unanimously elected as the Chair of the Global alliance for the elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis (GAELF) in a meeting held in Liverpool, United Kingdom.
In 2002, he was a Resource person of the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) for its various courses on health management. He also heads the Health Futures Foundation, Inc., a non-stock, non-profit, non-governmental organization, which assists communities, NGOs and local governments in health care management.



First Vita Plus Frequently Asked Questions

First Vita Plus Frequently Asked Questions
1. What specific diseases can FIRST VITA PLUS cure?

First Vita Plus is PREVENTIVE in nature and the presence of micronutrients, fibers, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and anti-oxidants ensure that the body is well-protected against sickness or diseases, that the immune system is strengthened by the unique and powerful combination of the five herbs and that the wellness, wholeness and balance of the body are maintained. The formula is simple and easy to remember: VITA PLUS = LESS DISEASES.
2. Can a person suffering from diabetes take FIRST VITA PLUS? What about those undergoing medication and/or insulin shots?

Diabetics (whether or not undergoing medication) are advised to drink the FIRST VITA PLUS unsweetened or sugar free variant.

3. Can persons with a family history of diabetes drink FIRST VITA PLUS?

Yes. FIRST VITA PLUS will not cause diabetes.

4. Is there a limit to drinking FIRST VITA PLUS?

No. There is no overdose in drinking First Vita Plus.

5. Can an infant drink FIRST VITA PLUS?

Infants from seven months and older can enjoy the benefits of FIRST VITA PLUS. A suggested preparation is for the granules to be sprinkled (budbod) over lugaw.

6. Can FIRST VITA PLUS substitute daily vitamins or supplements?

Yes. FIRST VITA PLUS is a vitamin-in-a-drink. It contains vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, micro-nutrients, fibers and anti-oxidants in an easy to drink and convenient preparation.

7. Can FIRST VITA PLUS substitute fruits and vegetables?

Yes. It contains the nutritional benefits of the 5 medicinal herbs + 1 (dalandan).

8. Can FIRST VITA PLUS be drunk in hot or cold preparations?

You can enjoy the goodness of FIRST VITA PLUS either hot or cold. In the morning and especially on an empty stomach, it can replace your usual coffee and drank steaming hot or lukewarm. Other cold preparations include shakes, smoothies, cocktail drinks, etc.

9. Can a person suffering from kidney stones drink FIRST VITA PLUS?

Yes. The calcium content of FIRST VITA PLUS is just the right amount for the body and is in its natural state (not artificial).

10. Does FIRST VITA PLUS contain any synthetic or artificial flavoring?

No. It is 100 % all natural.

11. What is the recommended dose or intake of FIRST VITA PLUS for those who suffer from hypertension?

Ideally, Those suffering from hypertension or who have suffered from a stroke should drink FIRST VITA PLUS three to five times a day.

12. What is the shelf life of FIRST VITA PLUS once the sachet has been opened and the drink mixed?

You have 48 hours to drink FIRST VITA PLUS. For best results, keep the mixture refrigerated.

13. What is the recommended daily intake for those suffering from ulcer?

Persons suffering from ulcer are advised to drink FIRST VITA PLUS once a day.

14. Does FQ Plus through FIRST VITA PLUS have its own plantation of herbs to ensure its steady supply and high quality?

Dr. Jimmy Galvez Tan has, for more than 10 years, encouraged the planting and production of locally grown herbs by farmers from Cavite, Cebu, Davao, etc. However, only those who passed the heavy metal soil test have been accredited as qualified suppliers or planters. This means that the soil in which the herbs are planted should have no artificial fertilizers or pesticides. They must not contain lead, arsenic, cadmium or mercury. Testing is usually done through the Provincial and Regional offices of the Department of Agriculture.

15. Can a child who is sick with dengue fever drink FIRST VITA PLUS?


16. What are the common names of the five herbs?

Moringa is malunggay. Ipomoea is talbos ng kamote. Amarantus is colitis or uray. Corchorus is saluyot. Capsicum is dahon ng sili.

17. Will eating these vegetables produce the same effect as drinking FIRST VITA PLUS?

No. FIRST VITA PLUS has concentrated and natural herbs potently combined to produce maximum benefits to the body. It is a vitamin in a drink, packed with all the nutrients the body needs for its daily sustenance and for disease prevention.

18. What is the difference of FIRST VITA PLUS from green tea?

Green tea is primarily an anti-oxidant while FIRST VITA PLUS contains ALL the vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, phytochemicals, fibers and anti-oxidants that the body needs. FIRST VITA PLUS is more than an anti-oxidant because it provides the body with nutritional benefits that can only be found in one-of-a-kind combination of 5 power herbs.

19. Can a person suffering from asthma drink FIRST VITA PLUS? Can it be combined with any other medications?

Yes. FIRST VITA PLUS can be combined with any other medicine and can be taken anytime of the day.

20. What is the competitive edge of FIRST VITA PLUS?

FIRST VITA PLUS is the first medicinal herbal drink in the Philippines and is the first in the world. This is the first time that the 5 hers are combined to produce unique benefits to the body and it contains no artificial or synthetic components that can cause any side effects. Best of all, it is in a delicious, convenient and easy preparation that is perfect in today’s busy world. Instead of drinking other energy drinks that are caffeine-rich, drink FIRST VITA PLUS for a guaranteed healthy advantage.


First Vita Plus Marketing Plan:

For Those Who Want EXTRA INCOME

1. DIRECT SELLING – RETAIL PROFIT on 25% DISCOUNT on REPEAT ORDERS (VITA PLUS products and/or FQ Catalogue Products).

2. SALES COMMISSION (SC) – for every Direct Sale of VITA PLUS POWERPACK (12 boxes / Direct Sponsor), you will earn P500.00 incentive for as many as you can.

3. ENHANCHED SALES OVERRIDE COMMISSION (ESOC) – for every VITA PLUS POWERPACK (12 boxes / Indirect Sponsor) sold by Dealers that you sponsored. You will receive P350.00 worth of Product.

4. GROUP SALES OVERRIDE COMMISSION (GSOC) – you will receive a P1,500.00 Bonus until INFINITY for as long as your Group A matches with your Group B in the main network, it does not have to be balance. Unlike the other binary System company this program is abolutely NO EXPIRATION OF MATCH, every items in your network w/o a match will still remain, and considered as WAITING.

5. (Three) 3 LEVEL REBATES - Residual Income through the 3-Level Rebate System consisting of 3%, 2% and 1% rebate from the repeat orders or repeat sales (VITA PLUS products and/or FQ catalogue Products) of Dealers within your sales network.


Group Sales Match BONUS are computed on daily basis with maximum of ten (10) Matches per day.This is the SAFETY NET of the Company.

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